Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dutch Cemetery Kerkhoff

in this post I will introduce one of the historical places you must visit in Banda Aceh isDutch Cemetery Kerkhoff

Like the old town of many historic sites located in the city of self-proclaimed Islamic Tourism Airport this. One of them is famous Kerkhof Peucut Dutch Cemetery located in Kelurahan Kecamatan Baiturrahman Blower. The location is easily accessible because it is in front of the Field Blang Padang, Banda Aceh.

The tomb itself is very long existence. According to records obtained from the Documentation and Information Center in Aceh (PDIA) in Banda Aceh said that there are no fewer than 2,200 graves of Dutch people, from ordinary soldiers to the General, the various ethnic groups affiliated with the colonial army, even a group of tombs there are also Jews who used to live in Aceh! Among the graves can still be read on the names and their rank and years and years and tempat2 where they died. There are various cairns legendary names such beautiful carved.

Taman Sari Gunongan

Gunongan located in the middle of town, one legacy of the Sultan Iskandar Muda for his love, Princess Consort Phang from Pahang, Malaysia. The shape of the building's just like the hills. Our photos with friends under the sun. Very hot air. After our tour of the structure's history again with the motor to Kerkhoff beca. Options other than roads using motor beca can also use the labi-labi (the term urban transportation).

Thursday, September 24, 2009


For the next posting, I will introduce to you all one of the landmarks aceh, especially in the provincial capital banda aceh aceh.

Whether it? It is a museum tsunami aceh

Aceh Tsunami Museum is a museum to commemorate the return pristiwa maha daysat tsunami that hit Aceh on 26 December 2008 which claimed more or less 240.000 0rang.

beauty of aceh

Did you know? in 2004 and then when there are tsunami waves, the only building that was not damaged by the storm just this great mosque.