“Peumulia wareh ranub lampuan, peumulia rakan mameh suara”.
-"Peumulia wareh ranub lampuan, peumulia movement mameh voice."-
Glory to serve guests with betel. Glorify friend via the sweet words said. Two verses that describe sair Aceh on the meaning of betel (ranub) in Aceh customs. Until Ranup dikreasikan traditional Acehnese dance in one-, Ranub lampuan. Dance as sumbol glorification of guests. Ranup sigapu too often we read in many books that mean for starters. That is, Ranup become a symbol of the procession or initiate an activity, Essence Ranup in Aceh as customary attitudes uphold the values of togetherness and harmony of life that comes in a container called a lady. In the manuscript tradition of Aceh, the device ranub always used in ceremonies greatness of the Emperor. "The word today (highway); pemeriahan pageantry of the king's palace to the temple of ur-Rahman Mosque. Sword of the king being paraded in front of the Emperor, and so did the plate ranub (ladies) and ranub bag (pack of cloth). After praying behind the curtains (netting) in a place called rajapaksi, Sultan's ceremonial elephant ride home. "